Department of Architecture
    Department of ARCH
    To produce socially responsible architects capable of harmonizing historical and socio-cultural aspects with the technicalities of architectural design in order to address problems associated with the built-environment.

Welcome to

Department Of Architecture , DUET, Gazipur

The Department of Architecture, one of the latest departments at DUET under the Faculty of Civil Engineering started its journey from 2011 and first enrolled 30 students in academic session 2011-2012. Among the Public Universities in Bangladesh, the Department of Architecture, DUET is a unique department, offers five years Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) degree merely to the students of diploma background coming from whole country. History of architecture is the history of civilization. Creative architects dealing with vision can analyze problem, innovate solution, rationalize process, and optimize resources. In Bangladesh there is an increasing awareness of the value of architectural heritage versus the needs of a modern society and the socio-economic and cultural context of the built form. Architects, the leaders of the building sector, influence the society by shaping the habitat and strive to fulfill three attributes durability, utility and beauty. Well recognized and in good demand, they also excelled in other creative medias through an education enabling them to be self-employed. This department commits to the value of design supported by the mutually reinforcing aspects of creativity, investigation and technology. Steadfast in providing professionally relevant, socially aware, and environmentally sensitive directions to learning, it actively engages with the changing needs of modern society. The Program aims to create socio-culturally and environmentally aware building professionals for this century who will bring order, vitality and beauty to the built environment. The brilliant young academics encourage creativity, hand-on learning, integrated theory and studio, and contextual response.






Message from the Desk of Head

Dr. Bayezid Ismail Chowdhury

Head, Department of Architecture, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

Professor, Department of Architecture, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.

With all my delight, I am annunciating that the Department of Architecture, one of the youngest department at DUET under the Faculty of Civil Engineering started its journey from 2011 and first enrolled 30 students in academic session 2011-2012. Among the Public Universities in Bangladesh, the Department of Architecture is a unique department, offers five years Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) degree merely to the students of diploma background come from the whole country. History of architecture is the history of civilization. Creative architects dealing with vision can analyze problem, innovate solution, rationalize process, and optimize resources. In Bangladesh there is an increasing awareness of the value of architectural heritage versus the needs of a modern society and the socio-economic and cultural context of the built form. Architects, the leaders of the building sector, influence the society by shaping the habitat and strive to fulfill three attributes durability, utility and beauty as well as possible. Well recognized and in good demand, they also excelled in other creative medias through an education enabling them to be self-employed. This department commits to the value of design supported by the mutually reinforcing aspects of creativity, investigation and technology. Steadfast in providing professionally relevant, socially aware, and environmentally sensitive directions to learning, it actively engages with the changing needs of modern society. The Program aims to create socio-culturally and environmentally aware building professionals for this century who will bring order, vitality and beauty to the built environment. The brilliant young academics encourage creativity, hand-on learning, integrated theory and studio, and contextual response.

I wish that, we educate our graduates as per changing needs of society and they will introduce our department as one of the recognized one in nationally and internationally through their works. Our curriculum is designed to foster independent thinking and to develop the skills of observation, communication, listening and cooperation through the process of design, with flexibility to follow the passion of students. I hope after graduation they will make a remark to the growing demand for architects in the professional field of work.


To produce socially responsible architects capable of harmonizing historical and socio-cultural aspects with the technicalities of architectural design in order to address problems associated with the built-environment.

  • To offer a need-based, diverse, interdisciplinary and rigorous curriculum through comprehensive studio and classroom environment.
  • To produce human resources for active participation in the ongoing shaping of knowledge about the built environment.
  • To engage students in independent design research and personal development.
  • To enable students with a diverse range of transferable skills necessary to perform in the national and global premises.
  • To research and apply integrated design thinking to context-specific problems in the beyond the field.
  • To produce professional with the capabilities to manage, advocate, and act legally, ethically, and critically for good of client, society and public.


Google Map


  • Department of Architecture, New Academic Building, DUET, Gazipur

  • +88-02-49274057
    PABX : +88-02-49274034-53 Extn: 2161
    IP (Local) : 2124-013 & IP (Direct) : 09612110515

  • +88-02-49274001-02

  • +88 01783611314

  • head_arch at duet.ac.bd

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